Wildflower meadow
An area of 20m2 of mixed native meadow turf was laid in March 2022 in the centre of the field, which includes sheep’s fescue, and flowers such as common vetch, lady’s bedstraw and common knapweed. There were 32 native flowers and 2 non-invasive grasses. We may extend the meadow in the next year or so but we are rather hoping that the plants will proliferate naturally.
The meadow was planted just before the long dry spring and volunteers had to water the field every few days to enable it to settle down. This involved the purchase of an extra long hose from the studio to the meadow but it is now really thriving and providing excellent cover for the badger sett.
We only water new planting such as the crab apple planted for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. But like everyone else we will have to consider how to cope with long dry spells.