General Update and New Film on Pensford Field
Volunteers planting hedge donated by Woodland Trust
General Update and Second Film of the Year on Pensford Field
Tomorrow, we are meeting the Leader of the Council with Dose of Nature, Kew Society, Clare Vollum and various officials - we very much hope for a constructive outcome . Clare Vollum and Kew Society have met with all parties and worked hard to understand the issues. We will keep you posted after our meeting.
We are still waiting for responses to our Complaint to the Council dated 16 October and our Freedom of Information Requests dated 3 November.
If you wish to stay up to date with what has happened so far, please watch this film made by an independent documentary maker, Martin Baker, called Battle for Pensford Field Part 1. He runs a YouTube channel called Richmond Council Watch and he gives an account of what has happened. He has uncovered facts we knew nothing about and, although I am sure some people might disagree with the conclusions drawn, mainly the facts speak for themselves. We have contributed information as has Dose of Nature but this is not our film and was not commissioned or published by the Trustees.
This is the second film of the year on the field as there was a lovely film made by Victoria Weatherby and Norman Harvey of The 2024 Pensford Field Summer Picnic on 6 July which really sums up what Pensford Field is all about and how local people value it. The weather was pretty appalling but it is a lovely reminder of what the field represents to people living in Kew. It was obviously made before we knew about our lease being terminated although the decision was already made - just not communicated!
Lastly we planted a hedge in the field with saplings provided free by the Woodland Trust. Hopefully they will thrive. Some of the trees we planted in the Spring have not done very well so we are hoping that our Autumn planting may fare better.